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Eppley Plastic Surgery | Dr. Barry eppley


Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have seen your comment about swelling and the timeline it takes to go down on a weekly basis for jaw augmentation. However since this is based off the custom implant, I was wondering if you could give a similiar breakdown for a standard implant and how long the swelling would take […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I was born with craniosynostosis and I think that I need full skull implant. But Im from Europe, Croatia. What is procedure with scalp expander when patient is from another continent because it is highly unlikely for me to be 3- 4 months in USA? What do you usually do in that […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, To summarize briefly my concerns, I have a strange collection of subcutaneous fat on my left side, to the left of the modiolus. Several surgeons have examined it and ruled out buccal fat as the culprit. Most drs have said it’s very superficial descended tissue, due to the fact that I have […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a large bulge on my forehead and this causes me depression and I do not love myself. I have thought about committing suicide for this reason. A:What you have is a not uncommon excessive over development of your frontal sinuses which is a very treatable condition. Such brow bone protrusions […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’d like to get your thoughts on whether I’d benefit more from a genioplasty or chin implant with scar release and fat transfer. I’ve spoken to another surgeon because I want a revision rhino but he said he thinks the biggest improvement would come from the chin/fat transfer combo. The other surgeon […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I plan on having my pectoral implants performed by Dr. Eppley.  I will likely want to go with custom implants.  Since receiving my consultation, I had a blood clot in my leg which as of yet is unexplained and I am waiting on my hematologist to get some answers, which I want to […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am looking to get custom jaw and chin implants. I can send you my 3D CT scan. I have an asymmetrical jaw, but I am not able to come to USA for the operation. So I was wondering if I can get the transplants customized to my needs and sent to […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in getting a brow bone reduction. A:Thank you for your inquiry and sending your pictures. While it is true that our brow bones are over developed you have a significant backward slope to your forehead which contributes to the protruding brow bone appearance. The relationship between the two is […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a fairly prominent occipital knob on the back of my head, and came across your website. I noticed some documentation of you performing these procedures all the way back in 2017. Could you tell me how many you have done to date? And also, have your patients reported any long term […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello. I really appreciate your write-ups about various plastic-surgery topics. For curiosity, have you posted or published anything regarding the risk of facial implants causing foreign-body granulomas or getting encapsulated? I read you text stating that the risk of infection is low, but what about granulomas? I am interested in infraorbital implants. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a cheek implant booked for March. However, I am finding that the standard implants dont enhance to the zygomatic region. Is this something you have experience in? Thank you A: I believe that you mean standard cheek implants do not provide any augmentation to the zygomatic arch and you would […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello just wondering do you have any surgeries to remove or reduce the hourglass shape because I’m a trans man and I have always wanted a rectangle torso shape but even with being on testosterone for 8 years whenever I try to lose weight it just makes my waist smaller without reducing […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to know a bit more of the testicular augmentation. My testicles are small and my sack is a bit loose.Can I go for xl implants? Do you removed my testicles or placed them inside of the implant? How long is recovery time? Thank you in advance A: While their […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had a sliding genioplasty 4mm forward about 6 weeks ago. The swelling has gone down and now I am seeing my mentalis muscle become asymmetry and bulging whenever I talk. The muscle looks overly hyperactive and detach from the bone especially prominent on the left side of my chin that looks […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi- on 2/14/23, you wrote a case study on soft tissue pad excess removal after chin implant removal and I’m curious if you know the results of her healing. The case study said results were TBD if it affected her smile and/or speech. I have the same issue as your patient and […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in skull reshaping. In particular skull reduction on the top of my head, and maybe some implant on the back of my head.I do however have prior history of hairline lowering through an incision in the hairline, and a coronal incision from ear to ear, which has been opened […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley,  I lost both my testicles due to a chronic pain condition and just recently had Torosa implants inserted. Unfortunately, the largest they have is only 4.5cm. I was a 5, but I’m looking to go up to an 8. I need a revision surgery for the implants and was wondering if you […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello, I was just enquiring for if i’d be a candidate for Buccal fat reduction and/or perioral liposuction. Thanks A: You have the type of face that should NEVER have any form of defatting done. You have a significant infraorbital-malar skeletal deficiency. (flat cheekbones, no infraorbital rim projection and a negative orbital […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Will I eventually need to replace buttock implants down the road as I get older?  Meaning am I going to need new ones like breast implants or can I keep these forever?  I wouldn’t want to go larger down the road and I just wanna make sure that they’re OK if I […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Epple, Hi doctor , thank you for your work!! What happened to me was that in my younger years I experienced a traumatic event . Now as an adult I’m still living with past trauma from my past . I’m highly self conscious of my head , in the back right side , […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, For fat transfer to the forearms and hands, how long is the surviving fat expected to stay permanently? Would a retouch be necessary after a certain amount of time, or can we avoid this by transferring a significant amount of fat in one session? How much fat will be needed? Since the donation site […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m very interested in the rib removal process, can I get more information, 62 M2F 5ft 8 in 170lb in good condition. A:In rib removal surgery the question is not whether one can have it done but how much of a difference would it make if it was done. To try and make […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in the PARANASAL AND PREMAXILLARY IMPLANTS. I have pictures of the before and after (photoshopped). I hope your procedure is a good solution, as it is a pretty specific/niche procedure. A:What you have imaged is nasal base augmentation with increased nasal tip projection. Such changes are very realistic from […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I got a buccal fat removal 2 years ago. I am very unhappy with my results and very insecure. A: When it comes to buccal lipectomy reversal there are two methods of fat volume restoration, fat injections placed more superficially than the buccal lipectomy space or an enbloc fat graft put back […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to know the cost of the skull reduction surgery and if you need to cut your hair for the procedure. A: Cost depends on the location (extent) of the skull reduction surgery of which the name alone does not answer that question. Hair is NOT cut for the surgery. Dr. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had a BBL in 2021 but have lost around 35 pounds since then and now have no butt. I also have a very prominent tailbone that causes me a lot of pain. The tailbone shape is an inherited trait, also worse since losing weight. Interested in discussing options for augmentation. A:Thank […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, is it possible to make a skull 1.5x or 2x bigger? I feel like my body rapidly outgrew my face. I feel so down and insecure to the point where I don’t leave my house unless I have to. My head is super tiny, like microcephaly tiny. A: I can’t speak to […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a few questions about some concerns I have with my skull. I have a large occipital bone. I have a peaked shaped head and it is also very wide. I measured my head circumference and it is 63cm. If I was to get a surgery to reduce my occipital bone […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Would I benefit from buccal fat removal during this? Would this fix my midface deficiency all together? A: As a general rule you want to be cautious about buccal fat removal in midface deficiencies. You may benefit by buccal fat transposition into the midface to help with the implant augmentation. Dr. Barry […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in macrotia ear reduction surgery, in order to vertically reduce the size of my ears, meaning a reduction in both the upper third and the earlobe. (I am not interested in the traditional ear pinning procedure.) However, I believe I have Red Ear Syndrome (RES), a rare condition where, […]

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