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Eppley Plastic Surgery | Dr. Barry eppley


Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Can you do skull augmentation  surgery with bone grafting? No synthetic or artificial materials should be used. A: The short answer is no. The long answer is… while skull defects are treated by autologous bone grafting aesthetic skull augmentations can not. Besides the wide open coronal scalp incision needed to do it […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Is the silicon implant for narrow head permanent? What are the most common complications for this procedure and how do these implants stay in place? A:In answer to your skull augmentation questions: 1) All silicone skull implants are material wise and structurally permanent. 2) There are few complications with onlay skull implants […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello there, I would like to ask a question regarding otoplasty.  I had undergo complicated otoplasty in the last and ended up with a defect in post auricular area, therefore I want to recreate natural and proper anatomy of post auricular area.   To make natural convex shape from posterior side. I was wondering […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a scoliosis that caused me to have deformity of my rib cage. Also, on my left side I have a rib that is causing me pain (I believe that it is touching a nerve or something) I would like your opinion on what are my options and what can be done to […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley,You are a tremendously talented surgeon and I see you specialize in chin surgery. I emailed you close to four years ago, asking your opinion on a chin implant. And you recommended a sliding genioplasty. Here’s what you said: “…You have a fairly short chin that is angulated backwards and is vertically long. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hello, I’m just getting in touch on behalf of my husband. He is desperate to have this lump removed from the back of his head, is it possible to have it removed? If so, is it possible to have some information on this along with a price ect. Look forward to hearing […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a torn bicep and it looks like I only have half the muscle. I was wondering if an implant could cover that up and look normal either with half the implant or the full one. A: While an implant is the only option to create some restoration of bicep shape […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Happy new year! I hope you’re well. Your website is an incredible resource, I have some more questions about Facial Feminization. I had an extensive mandibular osteotomy at another clinic and pursued a deep plane facelift with a platysmaplasty a year later to address jawline definition and redundant laxity. Due to the […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in a revision genioplasty because I believe that my chin looks too big in certain angles and I have the step off deformity. The doctor that I consulted said that he could cut and shave the bones to create a more regular jawline and a less prominent chin. I […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Looking for pricing for a flat top of head and narrow forehead. Was looking to widen forehead and make top of skull taller and rounder.Have no idea if this is even feasible for me, A: The area of skull implant coverage is not the question. it would be about how much of […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a few questions. 1. If I had a particularly large genioplasty movement (done over 2 procedures), would a VLC implant still be able to cover the step-off or would it be too far back? 2. Would such an implant make the bottom lip sag more? 3. If the implant gets […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had my left testicle removed about 22 years ago due to a sports injury. I had a saline testicle implant placed about 18 years ago. It is sutured in place and is very firm/hard. A couple years ago I started HRT to boost my testosterone and since starting that my right […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in improving my chin. I would like to get a square chin. I believe I need a genioplasty and would like a consult. A: The only way to make a chin more square is with an implant. A bony genioplasty can not increase the width or squareness of the […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, ‘m 27 years old. I’m considering a surgical lip lift. My biggest concern is the length of my philtrum and the thickness from a prominent cupid’s bow (I think). Overall, I feel I have a large imbalance to my lower face and only see a mile long philtrum when I have a […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have something like a bump or protrusion in the forehead as a result of many bruises in the same place…the bone itself has a protruding part in the forehead. I wanted to know if this could be treated by like sanding or something similar to remove the part that has a […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Dr. Eppley, I wonder if it is necessary for me to remove the titanium plate after a sliding genioplasty? After mentoplasty, I have no discomfort except for occasional acne. However, I am concerned that an accidental impact might cause the titanium plate to loosen, leading to infection. Should I consider removing the titanium plate around […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I wanted to know if you could help me or have any services/procedures for this. I have this line/indentation on the back of my head, it’s sort of in the middle too. It feels like mostly skin and fat when I touch it. I wanted to know if there is a way […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I read your article about the custom skull implant correction of a coronal skull depression, and was relieved that something like this could be a possibility for me. This would be absolutely life changing. How long does it take to perform? Any information would be greatly appreciated. A: Coronal dip depressions are […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi! I had an underbite growing up. It was fixed by braces but still my lower jaw is still protruding. Dentally, I am edge on edge but skeletally and aesthetically, underbite. My cheeks are weak too. I am looking for other option aside from jaw surgery. Came across with your cheek maxillary […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m wondering if you hasve any longer term follow up photos of patients after getting custom testicle implants. The only ones I can find are from the day of surgery, which shows a tight scrotum. I’m curious to see how the scrotum relaxes and the implants drop over time…what the end esthetic […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, After going through the amazingly detailed information on your website regarding the posterior temporalis muscle removal, I just had one question that was still in the back of my mind – does this surgery remove\disrupt any of the arteries\blood flow to that area of the head (like the superficial temporal artery or […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, My question is what’s the outcome of the differences between shaving the zygoma and the radical surgical method of cheekbone reductions? How much on average is each one? Do you have a before and after results/pictures of the shaving method being used on patients? Lastly, how invasive or risky is the other […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Interested in correcting rhinoplasty surgery. A: To do a proper assessment I would need some information about your prior rhinoplasty surgery: 1)When was it done? 2) How was it done? (open vs closed) 3) What do you not like about the result? 4) Need before and after pictures of your nose. Dr. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I was wondering your thoughts or if you were using verteporfin with the idea of helping treat and or reducing scaring and conserving hair in incisions made during surgical procedures. I know it’s a new treatment being used in some hair transplants clinics with what looks to be great results so I […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have two different eyeball heights. I think that lowering the left eye to the right eye’s height would make for a better look. It creates a better FWHR ratio from the lowered eye height. It is pretty invasive but it is worth it. A:Then you are referring to a left orbital decompression […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley,I had a quick question regarding thigh implants under the quadriceps muscles. Due to them being placed inside the quads will it result in decreased muscle gain in the thighs or decreased strength long term? A: In regards to thigh implants they are placed under the fascia but on top of the quadriceps msucle. […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a few questions for you about temporal reduction surgery if that’s alright: 1) Are there any visible scars that result from the surgery? Would they be permanent? 2) Have any adverse events (especially health concerns) been reported from patients who got the temporal reduction surgery, and if so, what did […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, Are you able to provide information on the dimensions of the simulated custom facial implant used to generate these picture predictions? Is it possible to see the simulated implant overlaid on my skeletal structure (from CBCT scans)? A: This picture imaging is done under the following  concept: ‘The purpose of computer imaging is […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m very insecure about the loose skin hanging down my cheekbones under my temples. This problem started after cheekbone reduction surgery. The loose skin makes my face asymmetrical and seem wider than it is. Attached are photos showcasing my problem. The photos where I’m using my hands to lift the problem areas […]

Eppley plastic surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I hope this message finds you well. I am 28 years old. I have been diagnosed with brachycephaly, commonly known as flat head syndrome. I have done some research on my own as I am quite curious about why the back of my head appears flat. In high school, I experienced teasing […]

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