Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in learning about suprapubic liposuction. I’ve been searching for answers for my 8 year old son for 8 years. He has a buried penis. He has had two surgeries already when he was 2, which rearranged the skin on his penis to have it appear normal looking, however nothing was done with the suprapubic fat pad. It took me two years to finally get someone to acknowledge that there was actually a problem with my son’s penis. He was a stalky baby weighing nearly 9lbs, and I was told he would lose the mound when he grew and was a toddler. He didn’t, he’s still a stalky child, very active but never loses the mound. His penis is totally hidden, but can be exposed if he pushes the fat pad down around it. He is active in hockey and baseball and is getting to the age where it needs to be addressed before he starts getting ridiculed by his peers. I would really y appreciate any information you could give me regarding this procedure.
A: Suprapubic liposuction can very helpful in children and adults with a buried penis problem. The suprapubic mound is a common companion of the buried penis problem. It is not fat that is responsive to weight loss nor will it go away as one gets older. Suprapubic mound liposuction can be very effective at reducing the mound and helping get some more penile exposure. There is a limit as to how much penile exposure will occur but the fat mound can be significantly reduced. Suprapubic mound liposuction is a simple outpatient procedure that uses small cannulas to extract the fat through two small groin incisions. (4mms) The recovery is very short although it takes several months for all the swelling and firmness to dissipate from the base of the penis.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana
Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to get a buried penis repair done. How exactly is it done?
A: When you use the term ‘buried penis’ that unfortunately does not tell me what type of tissue problem there is and what needs to be done to make it better. Is it a short penis only, an isolated large suprapubic mound, is there an abdominal overhang or some combination of two or all of them? There are different plastic surgery techniques that are done for the buried penis problem with varying degrees of success. These could include pubic liposuction, a pubic lift, penile release and lengthening or some combination of all of them. Having a picture of the pubic area, ideally from the front and side views, would help me understand the buried penis problem and give you some recommendations on whether plastic surgery would provide a positive improvement. (increased penile show)
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana
Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a buried penis problem and was wondering if liposuction of the pubic mound would help. I have always been obese, my last 12 yrs I have been morbidly obese. I remember my penis has always been small I have had sex many times but is very uncomfortable. Normally I have to choose an small lady, but I can remember seeing it better when I was not as obese as I am now. I can feel the erections coming from way inside under the fat and if I push the fat back the penis will pop out .. I can only push so much that I am able to grab it with a full fist not including the head. But if I was to push more I can see that I have an average penis and of course if I don’t push that fat back it goes all the way in and can’t be seen.
A: The buried penis problem is usually multifactorial in what causes it. Certainly a large suprapubic fat pad is one easily identifiable cause and in the obese male can be the major factor. The shape of the suprapubic mound must be looked at carefully to see whether loose skin hanging down may also be a cause in addition to the fat content of the mound. These helps makes the determination as to whether liposuction alone or liposuction combined with a pubic lift may be needed. The other factor in the buried penis is that the penis itself may be part of the problem as well. It may be naturally small or may be tethered down by fibrosis. It may need to be released as well.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am a 34 yrs old with a hidden penis problem I am uncircumcised too.. so I am getting a this surgery if suitable for me… please reply to me … I know below all that fat there a small but decent penis.
A: Thank you for your inquiry. Many buried penis problems are a combination of a suprapubic mound and a retracted penile length. Thus, suprapubic liposuction may not be completely effective for all buried penis patients as the penis may need to be released/lengthened as well. Do you develop a visible penis with an erection? Was the penis visible when you were younger before there was a significant suprapubic mound? To best answer your question I would need to see some pictures of the mound area, particularly from the side view to see what type of buried penis problem that it is you have.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana