Will Iliac Crest Reduction Effect My Mobility Long-term?
Q: Dr,. Eppley, I am a transgender man (FtM) and I am interested in your iliac crest reduction surgery. I have a slightly wide-set pelvis that bothers me quite a lot. And because I am already a low body fat there isn’t really anything I can do to change the shape of my hips with fat transfer. After doing some research online, it seems you are the only surgeon that performs this surgery. I am interested and have questions about the recovery of the procedure, such as what kind of scaring I am going to receive (as I’ve been told by others that have had reconstructive surgery on their pelvis that the scaring is invasive) and would I have the same mobility I did prior to surgery? I am an athlete and long term I want to retain my conditioning so I don’t want this surgery to impede my conditioning long term.
A: Iliac Crest reduction removes a portion of the outer portion of the most lateral wing off the ilium. (aka iliac crest) This does not detach ant significant part of the TFL or gluteus medialis fascia. As a result there is no long term limitation in mobility or function.
The important question is whether this amount of bone removal will result in enough bony hip reduction for you. To help make that assessment I would need to see some pictures of your hips.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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