Will Custom Cheek Implants Solve My Old Cheek Implant Problems?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, i´m a middle aged female, I had cheek and chin implants done about 20 years ago.The chin implant was redone about 10 years ago, for the reason that i suddenly had strange tightness that was pulling at my lower lip if i remember , original was a button implant, it looked completely natural and new surgeon didn’t believe i had an implant , i think i have an anatomical wing implant now , ive never been happy with this one, i can feel the edges under my jaw and it disturbs me, i’ve also recently been aware of it more for example pain when i open my mouth wide for dental check ups , and in my sleep if there is any pressure to it.

The cheeks are not aging so well , i think there is some south migration of the right implant, they were not fixed with screws. i´m really a bit stressed about it all. i wish i had my original face back no implants , but i don’t think my face is not going to look normal without them at this point. ..so i would like it all redone, customized this time, that was not an option back in the day when i had them. 

if you could tell me roughly how much this would be , how or if its possible to customize new implants with implants there already. ? any info would be really appreciated. thank you for your time, i look forward to hearing from you 

A: Thank you for your inquiry and detailing your facial implant history. Undoubtably the longer wings of your chin implant are the source of your symptoms and dissatisfaction as they can be for some women. Not only do the longer wings create a chin that looks wider but can also be a source of symptoms if the implant has asymmetry or if the implant is positioned too low. As for your cheek implants besides the asymmetry I suspect not aging well means that there may be implant show where the implant become more visible and looks unnatural. 

Custom cheek and chin implant can be done and are designed off of a 3D CT scan in which your indwelling implants can be seen, digitally removed and new ones designed as their replacements.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana