Will A Chin Implant Fix My Drooping Lip?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m writing to ask your professional opinion on whether or not my goals are reasonable and obtainable with chin surgery. Ten years ago I had surgery to address my ptotic chin where there doctor removed an ellipse of tissue approx. 5 cm x 8 mm (there was no bone work done). He recommended a small anatomic implant be placed which I kept for 2 years and finally had removed in 2013 because it always felt a bit too tight. Since the removal, I’ve had both functional and aesthetic issues – there is less mobility in the center, and on my left side where the chin doesn’t move down as much as the right side so my mouth appears crooked when I speak. I’ve had Botox to try and help, but all it did was freeze my chin where neither side moved. Aesthetically, I still have a witches chin and on the left side there’s an area in front that’s flat, compared to the right side – this causes a shadow. I’ve added filler to it over the years, which helps a bit, but it takes multiple syringes and isn’t cost effective. I am now considering Smart-lipo and/or platysmaplasty to tighten the area under my chin as well to give me a better “chin-to-neck” transition. My question is will inserting another implant give my chin enough of a boost in front to help with the drooping and fill out the flat area (could more tissue to be removed with a submental tuck?) The doctor noted that I have little mentalis muscle so I’m not sure if that could be contributing to my overall problem. Do you feel there is anything that could be done to address the functional issue – could the implant help at all in that dept? 

I’ve attached photos for reference. Thanks in advance – I hear you’re the expert so I value your opinion.

A: Thank you for your inquiry and sending all of your pictures to which I can say the following:

1) The need for the chin implant placement makes no sense to me.

2) Why was a submentoplasty never done as part of your original procedure as this is what you are imaging now.

3) Your imaging is probably a bit overdone/unrealistic but the concept in that direction is what can be achieved.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana