What Size Chin And Jaw Implants Do I Need To Achieve The Look I Am After?

Q: Dr. Eppley, thank you for doing the imaging on the predicted changes from chin and jaw angle implants. I am blown away that this can actually be done. This is well beyond my expectations. What size implants would you be using for my jawline enhancement?

A: Quite frankly more extreme changes than those can be done but I kept at the limit of what I see as reasonable and not excessive. (I have attached some results so you can see how extreme it can be made if one wants…although I don’t advise that on you). Your imaged look can be approximated by a combined square chin implant (style II square 9mms) and bilateral jaw angle implants (lateral augmentation style silicone 11mms or Medpor lateral augmentation of 7mm size). If the chin would benefit by vertically lengthening as well, I would do a chin osteotomy for lengthening 5mms and bring it forward 7mm with an overlay of a small square chin implant style II of 3mms.

Dr. Barry Eppley
