What Is The Fate Of The Bone Chips In A Sliding Genioplasty?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I read your post regarding filling the step-off that occurs with sliding genioplasty.

Wrapped Bone Grafting of the Step Deformity in Sliding Genioplasty To Prevent Labiomental Fold Deepening

Does this bone fill eventually become solid bone that is fused to the chin structure? Or does it remain bone chips? I’m fascinated by this technique as I worry that the step off of a sliding genioplasty will be visible and noticeable, especially in the jawline. How does this technique address these concerns?

A: I assume you are referring to the central stepoff of a sliding genioplasty as opposed to the lateral stepoffs that occur along the inferior border. The blog post to which you cite refers to the central stepoff as opposed to your description which refers to the potential lateral jawline stepoff.

As a general answer to your question about the fate of the use of cadaveric bone chips, if placed during the primary procedure, some of it turns into bone and some of it becomes fibrous scar tissue. But in either case it serves as a volumetric fill which its primary objective.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon