What Can Be Done To Improve My Scars From Alar Reduction Surgery?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am hispanic and I had rhinoplasty ( alar reduction) almost 4 years ago. A revision was subsequently performed as well because my nostrils were uneven and I also noticed one side had a depressed scar. Fast forward 4 years, my nostrils are even but the scar stayed the same. I started with Kelocote scar gel, then at-home glycolic peels, and surface microdermabrasion but these have only worked for a minimal amount of time. I have done all sort of research regarding scar removal but, wanted to have a professional opinion on what other options I may have for diminishing the appearance of my scars.

A: Without seeing pictures, it would be impossible for me to say what scar approach would work. But knowing that you are Hispanic and have tried most topical approaches, I suspect that only excision of the scar would be beneficial. But this would only be advised if the scar was wide. If it is a narrow but visible scar, there is likely no improvement that can be done. In this case, you may be searching for a scar revision solution that does not exist. Unfortunately in patients with greater skin pigments, this is always a risk in alar reduction surgery. However, I would not commit to any of these statements before seeing a picture of your alar scar concerns.

Dr. Barry Eppley
