What Can Be Done For Pointy Nipples And Puffy Areolas In A Male?

Q: Dr. Barry Eppley, I am a 15 year old male, and I have a excessive areola projection problem. My nipples have been pointy for about 2 years now, and I get made fun of every day for it. I saw some pictures of your surgeries, and I was wondering I you could help me out by giving me some more information about this procedure?

A: As a 15 year-old male, I regret to inform you that I am unable to communicate with you due to your age. In order to share any medical information with you, I must have a consent from your parents to do so. Even though we are just communicating on the internet, the same rules apply as if I was seeing you in the office. Patients under the age of 18 must be either accompanied by a parent or have verbal or written parental consent to talk to them.

Independent of the above e-mail inquiry, male nipple issues are fairly straightforward. Excess areolar projection signifies that there is a limited gynecomastia problem that may be restricted to just the areola. This can be treated by a direct excision of the areolar gynecomastia through a lower areolar incision.

Excessive nipple projection can be reduced through a simple wedge excision and closure. Both nipple and areolar reduction can be performed during the same procedure. This can be done under IV sedation or general anesthesia as a one hour procedure as an outpatient.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana