What Are the Approximate Body Contouring Costs?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am just in the beginning stages of planning for surgery to change my poor sagging body. I am interested in the procedures of breast augmentation, body lift, liposuction and a tummy tuck.. I need to know an approximate cost and payment options available. Thank you.
A: Based on the list that you have proposed of interested procedures, there are a wide variety of body contouring options available for all of those changes. With such a list, it is best to come in and get a thorough treatment planning session to see what is possible and place a priority on the different body areas. Because of the options available, it is not really possible to give you any good cost estimates other than some general pricing. For instance, a body lift includes a tummy tuck so they are quite different procedures. Liposuction is based on body areas treated and often is not needed in the face of a body lift. Breast augmentation costs vary based on the type of implant used (saline
vs silicone) and whether a lift is needed at the same time
I will have my assistant contact you to answer many of your general cost questions including how to finance. She can also arrange for a consultation for you to develop a surgical body contouring plan based on your priorities and cost. This is the best way to pick the operations that will have the greatest return on your effort and investment. For those patients who finance, the use of Care Credit is the most common method used.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
Contact Us:
Phone: (317) 706-4444
WhatsApp: (317) 941-8237