Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Hello! I’d love to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Eppley. I’m also interested in the program Dr. Eppley offers for military families as my husband is an active duty soldier who’s been in the Army for over 10 years. After two deployments and a new baby, we are ready to try and normalize our lives again. For me, feeling normal and happy is critical and in order to achieve my dreams, I must address my post-baby body! Although I’m nervous about heading down this road; I’m ready and I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
A: When you consider the post-partum body changes and being in the military, what you need is the Military Mommy Makeover! (M cubed so to speak) All mommy makeovers involve contour changes on the abdomen and breasts. While there are many variations and combinations of these procedures, it could be as simple as abdominal and waistline liposuction and breast augmentation to a full tummy tuck with flank liposuction and breast implants with a lift. More times than not, it is the latter as pregnancies usually leave extra skin on the stomach and sagging skin on the breasts partticularly if one has had more than one child. My Patriot Plastic Surgery program offers military members and their direct family a discount for surgical procedures. This will hopefully enable them to have some desired physical changes done, and as you have described, normalize your life again.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis Indiana