Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Can lipodissolve be used to eliminate lumps of fat left on the abdomen after liposuction?
A: Irregularities of the abdomen after liposuction is not a rare outcome. The abdomen is the most common body region for noticeable irregularities to occur after liposuction. This has to do with several factors including its flat surface and easy visibility (the entire surface can easily be seen and scrutinized), the unpredictability of how the abdominal skin will tighten particularly if there is any loose skin present, and the relative imprecise nature of the liposuction procedure when it comes to evenness of fat removal under the skin. While such words as ‘sculpting’ are often throw about in liposuction marketing and promotion, these are often an overstatement of what can actually be achieved in many body areas. Liposuction, of any type and technology, is best thought of as fat reduction, recontouring or reshaping. But the combination of the concepts of liposuction and sculpting is more fanciful than reality in most cases.
Lipodissolve injections, using a phosphatidycholine and deoxycholic acid mixture, can be used for any ‘high’ spots that remain after liposuction. While once conceived as possible for more major areas of fat reduction, time has not borne out that out for its utility. But for very small ‘lumps and bumps’ after liposuction, it can be very effective. The prior experience with Lipodissolve for larger fat areas showed that it has some results but just not enough. But for small fat collections, it can offer a non-surgical solution. Two things are important for patients to realize with Lipodissolve, it may take more than one injection session to get the best result and it is not an FDA-approved treatment.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis Indiana