Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in chin and jaw enhancement. I am reaching out to you after doing thorough research in hopes that you could bring some clarity to my concerns and harmony to my face. I am attaching pictures of me in different angles as well as pictures that I have edited with photoshop which reflect a look I would like to achieve. Whether that is possible or not, that is something I trust you with.
I am a female model currently living in Los Angeles. In this industry strong, defined bone structure such as jaw line and cheek bones are critical to a models success and highly sought after. As it stands I have a receding chin that I would like to correct and perhaps dramatize the look of my jaw. In your opinion, what does my face need in order to achieve a more defined look, like presented in the pictures? What are my options? As an out of town patient, planning a surgery requires more resources and time. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on improving my face as well as to get a general idea of the cost break down per procedure. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my email, I greatly appreciate it.
A: Thank you for your inquiry regarding jaw enhancement and sending your pictures. What separates your face from that of the model pictures you have shown are three facial features. The jawline (chin and jaw angles) and nose are the most strikingly different. Besides the shorter chin you have mentioned, your jaw angles are more rounded and indistinct. (unlike the models which are more square and defined) Such a more deficient jawline looks more so because of the size of your nose. (and vice versa)This can be treated by separate chin and jaw angles implants or a sliding genioplasty and jaw angle implants. Coming jawline augmentation with a rhinoplasty would make the most dramatic facial change that would enhance its overall features and bring them into better balance.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana