Your Questions
Your Questions
Q: Dr. Eppley, l’d like to know of any promotions offered for breast augmentation surgery. My friend and I both would like to have breast implants. I have had four children and at 31 years of age I would like to feel like pretty woman again. We both have A cup breasts and would like a normal, beautiful cup size. Please contact me when possible and thank you for your time.
A: Breast augmentation is one of the few cosmetic surgeries that is often viewed like a traditional retail product. Because it is commonly done by every plastic surgeon and is a highly sought after procedure, it is one cosmetic procedure for which there are often specials and promotions for it. Most of these promotions are based a certain amount of money off the standard cost if done in a timely manner or whatever the deadline that is provided. You are also asking about what is know as the ‘two-fer’ procedure, discounting based on two people signing up and having the procedure in a timely manner. This is another well known breast augmentation discount approach.
There is no question as to the benefit of breast implants in a woman who has lost all of her breast tissue after having had four children. It can make a world of difference in her self-image and feeling like a total woman again.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indian