Orthodontics and Jawline Implant Surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I currently have braces on my teeth and although they will probably be off by the time I have surgery with you, would there be any issues if I still had them on? For example, damaging the implant or braces during placement?  Also, could the movement of teeth alter my bone structure? Is there a risk that the implants will not have a perfect fit if the movement of teeth has altered the bone after CT scan and implant design?

A: In answer to your custom jawline implant surgery questions:

1) Many patients for different  types of custom facial implants have braces on their teeth. This is extremely common. This is not an exclusion or limitation of doing the surgery.

2) Orthodontic therapy moves teeth, not bone, in adults. That is the fundamental principle of how orthodontics works in general and in particular in adults…the teeth move through the alveolar bone and thus change position, the bone does move to make the teeth change position. As a result whether one is in orthodontic therapy or is going to subsequently undergo or has finished orthodontics, this will not adversely affect a custom jawline implant design and its fit.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana