Lower Facelift after V-Line Jaw Reduction

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am writing you with my concerns as I have seen you respond to Real Self posts concerning similar issues. 

About two years ago I have v-line jaw reduction done (I am transgender and currently 30 years old). I had a fairly broad jaw before surgery. The surgery was fairly good and I’m mostly satisfied with the bone work, but I find I have too much soft tissue now which makes my face appear bottom heavy. I have very very subtle signs of jowls and do have pre-jowl indents. My skin is in excellent shape. I would like to improve my jawline and I’m not sure if some sort of mini lower lift or lipo would be the way to go here. I’d like to hear your opinion.

A: Just by your general description and having seen a lot of patients with your exact soft tissue issue after V-line jaw reduction surgery, only a limited form of a lower facelift can address the now lax tissues which have resulted due to the removal of bone support. This so called ‘tuckup’ lower facelift produces skin tightening right over the jaw angle area which is most affected by the prior jaw reduction surgery.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana