Is A Vertical Chin Lengthening The Right Procedure For My Face?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I have a vertically short undefined jawline and flat cheeks. I was interested in a sliding genioplasty, I’m more interested in vertical lengthening than projection, and maybe submental lipo. My chin is short and points upward and makes my face and neck seem wider than I’d like. I attached some pictures, the first 7 are what my jawline looks like now and the last 3 are edited to show what I was hoping to achieve.
A: Thank you for your inquiry and sending your pictures and imaging. You have demonstrated a pure vertical chin lengthening procedure that is probably at 8mms vertical increase. As you have demonstrated this corrects the upward chin tilt and creates a smoother longer jawline. (mandibular plane angle) That chin bone change and some submental liposuction would be a good combination.
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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