Is A Full or Mini Facelift Better For Me?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am considering a facelift and have consulted with three different plastic surgeons. From these consults, I got two different basic opinions. One option was a more traditional facelift with incisions in front of and behind the ear. The other approach presented was a mini facelift with an incision mainly on the front part of the ear. I am leaning towards the mini facelift but am just not sure which way to go.

A: The decision between a mini- or a full facelift can be a difficult one for some patients. Understandably, the concept of a mini facelift is more appealing in the hopes that ‘less is really the same’. But the reality is less is…less in most cases. Therefore do not get catch up in the benefits of smaller incisions and less recovery because the differences between these two types of facelifts are not as great as patients are lead to believe. Two or three weeks after surgery the incision and recovery issues will have no significance and all you will care about then is the result. The important question is what do you hope to be achieved. If jowling is your major aging concern then any of the smaller facelift versions will likely be satisfactory. If your neck is the biggest concern then a fuller version of a facelift will be more satisfactory.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana