How Can My Facial Asymmetry Be Fixed?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I feel like my face is very asymmetrical and imbalanced and lacks dimension. I feel like I need some sort of implants – cheek or paranasal. And a forehead augmentation – but I don’t know if fat grafting or an implant is more suitable. My right temple goes inward and my right jaw is narrower than the right, so I feel like I need an implant on my right jaw. But at the same time I feel like I need to shave my left jaw and my chin for more contour.
A:While you do have differences between the two sides of your face (see attached grid analysis) when it comes to surgical correction you have to have a very clear idea as to what exact procedures are needed so that the surgical efforts can help minimize the asymmetry. You have described deficiencies which are largely based on your right face which seems correct given that your pictures show a classic right facial vertical asymmetry. (shorter from top to bottom)….provided these pictures have not been reversed. But the first step in facial asymmetry is to get a 3D CT face scan so the bony differences, as most of the facial asymmetry is bony based, can be clearly identified and the properly treatment planned. In most facial asymmetry deficiencies this means custom implant designs.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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