Extreme Plastic Surgery

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m interested in having a number of surgeries at the same time including hairline lowering, brow lift, lip lift, cheek augmentation, V line jaw surgery, browbone/forehead implant, lip v/y plasty, corner lip lift, cupids bow augmentation, chin osteotomy, under eye fat grafting, marionette line fat grafting, love band surgery, and tongue tie surgery for the face. As far as the body I would like calf/knee/thigh liposuction with transfer to to buttocks and breast, and hip implants. I was wondering if all of these would be possible to do at the same time?

A: In the world of ‘extreme plastic surgery’, such a collection of procedures would bypass this term and really be excessive. It would not be possible nor advised to do all of these face and body surgeries at one surgical session. Besides taking as long as 12 hours to perform, the physical recovery from this prolonged surgery would be extremely difficult and exposes you to a lot of medical risks. This is a large amount of induced trauma to the human body. The face and body surgeries should be done separately and spaced about three months apart. Even when done separately the face and body surgeries would be considered extensive in and of themselves.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana