Do I Need A Buttock Lift or Implants To Fix The Rolls On My Lower Buttocks And Upper Thighs?
Q: Dr. Eppley, The shortened version is that I first got lipo on the backs of my thighs 15 years ago about age 20. The surgeon took too much fat out under my buttocks creating banana rolls. I had several corrective lipo surgeries and subsequent three fat transfers. The fat transfers seemed to transfer the fat too low (not in the crease under the buttocks) creating a more pronounced banana roll and more rolls beneath. No exercise will help and I just don’t want to go through life with these legs. It’s hard to even wear pants without the rolls showing. I found you beause I saw a surgery you did removing skin, (more on the lower buttocks I think) and because it seems like you do a lot of body implants. I’m afraid to cut the rolls out because of the scar and particularly because the scar could spread due to my active lifestyle. I would consider it however. I’m wondering if you think a combination of lipo and some implants in my legs would be a possibility. I don’t care if it makes my thighs bigger I just want them to look even. I have a one year old and am hoping to get pregnant within the next year.
1. Would thigh implants be possible or would skin need to be removed?
2 . Should I wait until I have recovered from my next child? I only want to have two.
A: Thank you for sharing your story and pictures. You now have a double roll lower buttock deformity. There is a defined roll both above and below the infragluteal crease. Without knowing your history one would say to just try liposuction…but that is of course how you got here in the first place. The only way you are going to eliminate those rolls is to treat the problem which is too much skin and fat through excision. (lower buttock tuck/lift) This is not a problem that is amenable to implant augmentation or further liposuction. By removing a horizontal wedge of skin and fat both above and below your existing crease line the rolls can be eliminated and a more defined infragluteal crease can be obtained. While this does create a scar, I have not found it to be problematic for any patient. Significant scar spreading has been seen even in active patients. One does have to avoid strenuous exercise that pulls the gluteal crease apart for about 6 weeks after surgery. Whether this is something that is done before or after your next pregnancy is a personal issue. I don’t think pregnancy has any affect on the scar or the long-term outcome.
I hope this is helpful,
Dr. Barry Eppley
Indianapolis, Indiana

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