Do I Have Perioral Mounds or Jowling?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to come to see you for perioral mound liposuction (if applicable). However, I would only be able to go by myself. If I come alone, would I still be able to have surgery if I take an Uber? 

2) I had a chin implant and buccal fat removal procedure done about 2 years ago, but my cheeks still seem chubby at the bottom and I’m not sure if they are my perioral mounds or my jowls. Can you please take a look at my photos and advise if this can be fixed? Please keep the photos anonymous. Thank you so much in advance!

A:Technically you do have perioral mounds and a bit of jowling. But on a practical basis perioral mound and lateral facial liposuction is what you likely to do. While a jowl tuckup procedure would produce the best result you are unlikely to be motivated to have that procedure at your age.

Such facial liposuction procedures are performed on an outpatient basis. As a general rule we don’t permit a patient to climb into an Uber ride right after having a general anesthetic.

Dr. Barry Eppley

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon