Chin Reduction Options

Q: Dr. Eppley, It was a pleasure meeting you. You made me feel very comfortable and confident in proceeding with the surgery by exhibiting your extensive knowledge of this uncommon procedure.The pictures reflect exactly what I am looking for; a subtle more feminine change. I will be contacting your office this week to schedule an appointment. I must admit, I am very nervous about the intraoral approach after our discussion. Of course I have been researching this procedure for years at this point, and I am continuously running into horror stories about losing feeling in the lower face, and things of that nature with intraoral surgery. I know you mentioned the scar if we were to go with a submental approach, but the scar almost seems more appealing since once you said the submental approach is a direct visual of what you’re able to work with, also that you’re able to tuck in any excess soft issue/skin.

I have just a few questions that I failed to ask at the consultation (possibly due to nervousness): 

– Are there any difference as far as possible risks/complications between intraoral and submental? 

– Any differences with the healing process between the two options?

– Is there a higher chance of nerve damage with the intraoral approach?

– Does the procedure cause premature sagging or complications in the future? Of course I will be happy with a change for now, but being 26, I feel that the future is also very important.

Thank you so much! I truly look forward to working with you, I’ve heard that you are simply the best! 

A: In answer to your chin reduction questions:

1) The fundamental differences between the intraoral and the extraoral submental approach to chin reduction are a modestly higher risk of mental nerve injury (feeling to the lower lip) with the intraoral approach, the skin scar with the submental approach and a more profound bone reduction with the subcentral approach.

2) Neither of these procedures have any long-term skin sagging issues as that is addressed by the excision of extra soft tissue with the subcentral approach and the maintenance of soft tissue attachments with the intraoral osteotomy approach.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indianapolis