Can You Do Computer Imaging To Show Me Exactly What I Will Like After Jaw Implant Surgery?

Q: Dr. Eppley, Hi, I am here to see if jaw implants will work to achieve the specified looks I desire. My greatest concern is exactly how I will look like after the surgeries. I am fearful that the implants needed to achieve the ideal looks which I desire will somehow not look proper or good on me after the surgery. Therefore I believe that seeing myself with the implants that I require/desire/request to achieve my desired looks on my face i believe this would eliminate all my concerns. I have provided you with a set of 7 photos, 4 of them show my current state without surgeries, the other 3 show the ideals of mine, that I am seeking to achieve. I believe photoshopping my side profile to the side profile specified by 2 of the photos as well as show how the front of my face will look like after the jaw implants have been done on the sides, so seeing an image of the front of my face as well as side view with implants, would be so so appreciated. thank you again for taking time to hearing my concerns.

A:Thank you for your inquiry and sending your pictures. While the ideal examples you have shown all have different types of jawline shapes, your overall concept is to have more definition to your jawline particularly at the corners. (chin and jaw angles) I have done some initial imaging just looking at one type of potential jawline change for you to ponder. Such a jawline change can be stronger or less defined but for now all we are trying to do is see if any type of jawline change would be aesthetically beneficial.

I would also caution you that computer imaging is not done to show the very exact result that will occur.The purpose of computer imaging is frequently misunderstood by patients. Computer imaging is done to help determine what the patient’s aesthetic goals are. It is a method of visual communication to help your surgeon understand what your specific goals are. It is not necessarily an accurate predictor of the final outcome. It establishes goals to aim for which may or may not be completely achievable based on human tissue responses to surgical intervention that lie beyond that of what computer software can account.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana