Can The Zygomatic Arch Cheek Implant Connect With A Temporal Implant?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I hope you both and everyone else in the clinic are okay. When the coast is clear from coronavirus, I plan to come in soon for a procedure. I have a few more questions because I’m still undecided about the cheek implants  but am leaning in that direction.

1) How long are the lateral cheek implants are and exactly where they are they placed?

 2 ) For instance, do they begin and go up from the angle of the jaw to the bottom end of the temporal implants? ) Do they go up straight creating a square widening to The bottom of the temporal implant, or are they angled out to make more of a “round V shape”, so to speak.

3)  If the temporal implant is continuous with the cheek implant is it difficult to make a smooth transition? I want to be able to get a general picture of where they would widening The face.

4) I know that you have done many of these over time. How frequently have you needed to take them out and re-do the procedure , Because there is not enough or too much?

5) Do pictures when I’m younger help? ( You told me that it is not easy to judge what the actual outcome would be during surgery.)

6) Can I return the second day after and begin work?

Thank you kindly!

A: In answer to your zygomatic arch cheek implant questions:

1) and 2)  By your own description you call them lateral cheek implants which are anatomically better known as zygomatic arch implants….thus they are placed on the zygomatic arches.

3) The temporal and zygomatic arch implants can not be continuous as their tissue pockets do not merge. That confluence is prevented by where the frontal branch of the facia nerve crosses.

4) Like all facial implants anywhere the never ending question os how much is enough or too little…even patients don’t really know that answer until they ‘wear them’. For this reason as well as asymmetries the global revision rate for these aesthetic concerns on facial implants hovers around the 20% range.

5) Younger preoperative pictures don’t hurt. But the canvas we have to work with now is your current face.

6) Like all facial surgery there will be considerable swelling when all three facial areas are combined. So it is not a question of whether you can physically work but whether you have the facial presentation to be comfortable doing so.

Dr. Barr Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana