Can The Prominence of the Shoulder Joint Be Reduced?
Q: Dr. Eppley, . After giving it more thought, I believe that the reason I dislike my shoulders is not because of the size but because of the shape of the clavicle joints. So a shoulder reduction would not address that.
I was wondering if Dr Eppley could take a look at the photos I’ve attached below and let me know if there is anything that could be done to reduce the clavicle joints (for example with shaving down). I know he has blog post in which he describes a surgery where scapular shaves were performed, so it would be more similar to that.
I am very interested in Dr Eppley’s response
A: What your concerns are is the amount of bone show that the distal clavicle and AC joint show. (see attached diagram and x-ray) While some of your distal clavicle and joint show could be reduced I don’t think enough of a reduction could be achieved that the result would justify the effort and scar. You can’t overly weaken the clavicle bone nor enter the joint space.
That being said as a general statement of AC joint clavicle show, your distal clavicle show is unique. While you have a lot overall clavicle show the distal clavicle actually bows upward and then goes back down into the AC joint. This distal bowing provides room for a safer clavicle bone reduction that would avoid entering the joint space. (see attached picture) Your side view picture shows it best of how prominent the distal clavicle is which does not even allow for the acromion process of the AC joint to show as it would in most people.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon
North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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