Can Rib Removal Be Done Without Having A Tummy Tuck?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I would like to have a consultation for the rib removal, I really want a more hourglass shape, i have read that to be a candidate for this procedure you have to be short waisted which I think I am. I contacted one other surgeon and he said he only does this surgery through a tummy tuck incision. I was wondering if there are any other options as I am not a candidate for tummy tuck and I really dislike that scar. How much is this procedure? And how long would it be before I can fly back home? 

A: Please send me some pictures of your body/waistline so I can assess whether this would be a good procedure for you. Also if you can, please draw on yourself with a marker as to the rib protrusions that you think would benefit by removal. I have never done rib removal through a tummy tuck incision and have always done it through small direct incisions. There is certainly no reason to do it through a tummy tuck incision unless one is also wanting and needing a tummy tuck as well. Its only advantage is that the lack of a chest wall scar.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana