Can My PEEK Infraorbital Implants Be Replaced With A Better Design?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I am interested in replacing my PEEK infraorbital-malar implants as they don’t saddle the rim and as a result they stick put unnaturally. These implants were placed intraorally at the time of double jaw surgery.
A: Be aware of two very relevant aesthetic issues. 1) when have to saddle the infraorbital rim you have to use a lower eyelid incision to do the dissection needed as well as to ensure proper placement and 2) PEEK is not a good implant material for thin tissues like the lower eyelid and orbital rims as it can not be made withj feather edging as it is machined in its fabrication. You will likely end up with visible edging even if it saddles the rim. …less than what you have now just at a different level and degree
There is a reason your current PEEK implants don’t haver a feathered edge design and look bulky…which is very obvious in bot the design and after actual placement. This is a design limitation of all very rigid materials that have to be machined in manufacturing. There is always going to be at least a 1mm edge. This is not an aesthetic issue in thicker tissues like the jawline and lower cheeks. But it will be one around the orbital rim which is an unforgiving implant placement site.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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