Can Liposuction Be Done On A Teenager?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I was just wondering do you do liposuction on teenagers? If so, will you guys take payments or do I have to pay it all at once??

A: Liposuction can be performed on many body areas regardless of patient age. Any cosmetic surgery, including liposuction, can be done under the age if 18 if one has parental consent. Teenage plastic surgery requires the blessings from one’s parents or guardians. Like all cosmetic surgery, the fees are all paid up front in advance of the surgery. While many patient do finance through outside companies, such as Care Credit, that is not going to be possible for anyone under age 18 or maybe even under age 21. This is why all teenage cosmetic plastic surgery is authorized and paid for by the parents in every case that I have ever done.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana