Can I Get My Sliding Genioplasty Immediately Reversed?
Q: Dr. Eppley, I just had a sliding genio done last week. I had no idea it would make such a drastic difference on the appearance of my face from the front. I can’t recognize myself in the mirror anymore – my jaw is too rounded and my lips are smaller. I don’t love the side profile either, I feel like the surgeon advanced a bit too much. I think it was only 5mm unless he changed mid-procedure, and I’m hoping that’s a small enough movement to make reversal somewhat uncomplicated. My question is, how likely is it that I can get my old face back? I want to fully reverse. I’m 22 so I’m hoping my skin is elastic enough to look mostly the same after reversal. Also, I’m aware it’s still swollen, but I’m realizing far too late that I won’t like it regardless, because my face will be different from the front. Thank you so much.
A: The first concept to grasp is that at just one week after the surgery you are far removed from what the final result will be. There is a large amount of swelling at this point which will enlarge and distortt the entire chin area. Many sliding genioplasty patients at just one week after surgery do not feel that different than you do. Proper pre-surgical education would have informed you that you will feel that you have made a wrong decision up until 2 to 3 weeks after surgery win the swelling has gone down enough that you may be convinced a good result is possible. This is a classic postoperative phenomenon in many forms of facial structure or surgery. As a result I don’t recommend that patients try to reverse a procedure like a sliding genioplasty until at least six weeks after surgery when they have a better feel for what the result actually is. If still unsatisfied then a better decision can be made about whether a complete or subtotal reversal is best. It is important to remember that you did the procedure for a reason and this is why many patients that do not like their sliding genioplasty result usually opt for a subtotal reversal as opposed to a complete one.
Dr. Barry Eppley
World Renowned Plastic Surgeon

North Meridian Medical Building
12188-A North Meridian St.
Suite 310
Carmel, IN 46032
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