Can I Do Rib Removals For Waist Reduction And Buttock And Hip Implants All In The Same Surgery?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am a transgender male to female and I would like to get more curves. I am interested in rib removal for waistline as well as buttock and hip augmentations.

A: Good talking to you this morning and sending all of your pictures. In looking at them your obvious fundamental goal is to take a straight body shape and give it some curves. In that regard, the first question a patient such as yourself needs to ask themselves is which is more important for you…..buttocks or hips? I recognize that both are but I ask this question because the following surgical principles apply:

1) You can not satisfactorily augment the buttocks and the hips at the same time….as a significant part of those results are going to come from implant augmentations.

2) Rib removal waist reduction is important for either hip or buttock augmentation but you can’t recovery wise have all three at the same time.

3) You have enough fat to harvest to use for buttock or hip overlay grafting. (meaning composite buttock augmentation = intramuscular implant placement and overlay fat injections OR hip implants with buttock fat grafting)

4) Putting that together means the options if buttock augmentation is more important than the hips:

     Rib Removals with Buttock Implants and Fat Injections (with full abdominal, flank and back liposuction for harvest)

5) If the hips are more important:

    Rib Removals with Hip Implants and Fat Injections to the Buttocks  (with full abdominal, flank and back liposuction for harvest)

6) Of course any of these procedures can be done separately or even:

      Rib Removals and Fat Injections to the Buttocks  (with full abdominal, flank and back liposuction for harvest)

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana