Can Any Type Of Facelift Be Done In Someone With Myasthenis Gravis?

Q:   I am 52 years old and have myasthenia gravis. I had a thymectomy 23 years ago and currently have very minimal symptoms. I am interested in reducing the appearance of aging, especially in the neck and jowls. Is the IGuide or another minimally invasive procedure recommended for patients who have myasthenis gravis? If not, what are my options to improve my appearance?

A: Having the condition of myasthenis gravis (MG) poses potential issues for anesthesia for surgery but not for the surgery itself. You are likely interested in minimally invasive facial surgery because of its often association with local anesthesia and potential avoidance of general anesthesia. What you want to avoid with any form of anesthesia is a myasthenic crisis. This occurs when the muscles that control breathing weaken to the point that ventilation is inadequate, creating a medical emergency and requiring a respirator for assisted ventilation. This is most likely to occur in those MG individuals whose respiratory muscles are weak. This does not appear to an issue for you whose has minimal symptoms. Nonetheless, it is best to avoid any form of general anesthesia particularly for elective cosmetic surgery.

The IGuide neck procedure, a more limited type of necklift (e.g., Lifestyle Lift) or both done together are procedures which are effective in individuals with early to moderate neck aging issues. Whether any of these are good procedures for your neck and jowl concerns can only be determined by doing an assessment of some photographs.  They can be very successfully performed under local anesthesia supplemented by either oral or light intravenous sedation.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana