Can An Overcorrected Otoplasty Be Fixed?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am 24 years old and 7 years ago had an otoplasty done. The results are very unnatural and unleasing. The antihelix is very large and the ear is similar to “telephone ear deformity”. Is a revision possible to correct these problems?  I would like to know the procedure for them to be fixed and what are the risks?

A: In general, an overcorrected otoplasty creates a prominent antihelix and a retruded helix. This can be caused by either too much postauricular skin excision, antihelical creation sutures that were overtightened or a combination of both. Most commonly the cartilage deformity is the real culprit. This requires it to be released by scoring/releasing the fold and then holding it outward so it heals in this new shape. This is ideally done with cartilage grafts which can be harvested from the concha. The biggest risk of this revisional otoplasty procedure is how well or effective it can be. Improvement is almost always obtained in otoplasty revision.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana