Double Chin

Q: Dr. Eppley, I had submental liposuction done last year for my double chin but I am unhappy because the results are so small. I still have a double chin. I went to two doctors and they both advised chin augmentation and liposuction but I didn’t want the former. My double chin is hereditary and I thought I would see a change. Would a submentoplasty have been better? I also got no jawline contour at all. I’ve seen that with Precision TX and incisions by the ear and under chin, there are nice results with contouring. I’m confused and don’t trust anymore. Can you please help me? What do you suggest?

A: Thank you for sending your pictures. The fundamental problem with your double chin is the your chin is short and your hyoid bone is high. Unless the submental area is stretched out (move the chin bone forward by a  sliding genioplasty) and the neck muscle tightened with direct defatting (submentoplasty), there is no further improvement possible.  Isolated procedures like a submentoplasty with a jowl lift can also be helpful. But short of these, everything else will be a waste of effort and esources.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana