Custom Jawline Implant

Q: Dr. Eppley, I’m not sure if I’m a candidate for a custom jawline implant. If I have symmetrical jawbone structure I don’t see why I should need it. In addition, I don’t have the capital for custom one. From my point of view, I have a very weak lower jaw, my chin is very behind plus it is narrow, as you can see from my smiling picture it looks like I have no connection between my ramus and my mental protuberance. In addition, my jaw is narrow as well plus it is not prominent at all since the whole jaw is short. What I’m looking for is both horizontal and vertical improvement in my jaw with non-custom jaw implants that will bring balance to my lower face.  I’m not worried about my chin at this moment because I don’t have the resources.

A: Based on your initial stated objectives of improvement, you are speaking to a total jawline approach. You can’t bring the chin forward, length the jaw angles and make the jawline wider all at the same time unless it is a total wrap around jawline implant.

The most common reason for a custom jawline implant is not asymmetry, it is primarily used when the patient’s dimensional jawline needs exceed what standard implants can achieve.

Standard vertical jaw angle implants are an option if you just want to limit the change to the back part of the jaw only. (jaw angles) But with a revision rate of over 25% using standard jaw angle implants, it would be important to only consider this surgery if your resources are sufficient should the need for revisions surgery arise.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana