Will Removing A Chin Implant Cause Ptosis (Witch’s Chin Deformity)?

Q: Dr. Eppley, I am ready to get my infected chin implan removed but since it is my face I want to make sure I’m getting the most qualified person to do it. If you were in my place are there any particular questions or concerns that I should make sure my surgeon has dealt with to reduce risk of nerve damage, ptosis since it is a pretty large implant? The implant was placed through the mouth. Also have you ever used hyperbaric oxygen therapy? Could it help reduce post operation healing time? How many work days would I need to take off to be able to return to work? Would you use any head dress?

A: In theory , any surgeon that places chin implants should be able to remove them. The issue that you need to be aware of, particularly since this is a big implant and you are removing it from inside the mouth and are not replacing it, is the high likelihood that chin ptosis will result. (sagging of chin tissues off of the bone since that are now stretched)You will likely need a simultaneous muscle resuspension done at the same time to avoid this potential aesthetic problem. There is no benefit to hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy in surgical removing an infected chin implant. HBO has benefit in irradiated tissues where the native blood supply is compromised. If the muscle is resuspended to the bone, there is no need for a chin dressing afterwards. A chin dressing is not going to prevent chin soft tissue sagging anyway.

Dr. Barry Eppley

Indianapolis, Indiana